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The didhetero package provides tools to construct doubly robust uniform confidence bands (UCB) for the group-time conditional average treatment effect (CATT) function given a pre-treatment covariate of interest in the staggered difference-in-differences (DiD) setup of Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021). The uniform inference procedures are developed by Imai, Qin, and Yanagi (2023) “Doubly Robust Uniform Confidence Bands for Group-Time Conditional Average Treatment Effects in Difference-in-Differences”.


Get the package from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools") # if needed
devtools::install_github("tkhdyanagi/didhetero", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Package Function

The didhetero package provides the following functions:


All package functions have the following arguments:

  • yname: The name of the outcome.
  • tname: The name of the time periods.
  • idname: The name of the cross-sectional IDs.
  • gname: The name of the groups. “G = 0” indicates the never treated group.
  • zname: The name of the scalar continuous covariate for which the group-time conditional average treatment effects are estimated
  • xformla: A formula for the covariates to include in the model. It should be of the form ~ X1 + X2. xformla should include zname as a covariate.
  • data: The name of data.frame that contains the balanced panel data.
  • zeval: The vector of the evaluation points z.
  • gteval: The vector or matrix of the evaluation points g and t. If it is a vector, the first and second elements indicate g and t, respectively If it is a matrix, the first and second columns indicate g’s and t’s, respectively. Default is NULL, and gteval is automatically constructed.
  • control_group: Which units to use the control group. Options are “nevertreated” and “notyettreated”. Default is “nevertreated”.
  • anticipation: The number of time periods before participating in the treatment where units can anticipate participating in the treatment and therefore it can affect their untreated potential outcomes. Default is 0.
  • alp: The significance level. Default is 0.05.
  • biters: The number of bootstrap iterations to use. Default is 1000, which is only applicable if bstrap is TRUE.
  • uniformall: Boolean for whether or not to perform the uniform inference over \((g, t, z)\). Default is FALSE, and the uniform inference only over \(z\) is performed.
  • cores: The number of cores to use for parallel processing. The number of available cores can be checked with parallel::detectCores(). Default is 1.

The catt_gt_continuous() function has the following additional arguments:

  • bstrap: Boolean for whether or not to perform the multiplier bootstrap inference. Default is TRUE. If bstrap is FALSE, only the analytic critical value is used.
  • porder: The polynomial order used for the second- and third-stage estimation. Options are 1 and 2, which correspond to the local linear and quadratic regressions, respectively. Default is 2.
  • kernel: The kernel function used for the local polynomial regressions. Options are gau for the Gaussian kernel and epa for the Epanechnikov kernel. Default is gau.
  • bw: The scalar bandwidth used for the second- and third-stage estimation. Default is NULL, and the bandwidth is automatically selected.


The catt_gt_continuous() function returns a list that contains the following elements:

  • Estimate: A data.frame that contains the following elements:
    • g: A group.
    • t: A period.
    • z: An evaluation point.
    • est: A doubly robust estimate for CATT.
    • se: A standard error.
    • ci1_lower: The lower bound of the UCB based on the analytical method.
    • ci1_upper: The upper bound of the UCB based on the analytical method.
    • ci2_lower: The lower bound of the UCB via multiplier bootstrapping.
    • ci2_upper: The upper bound of the UCB via multiplier bootstrapping.
    • bw: The bandwidth.
  • Figure1: A list that contains the ggplot elements for the analytic UCBs.
  • Figure2: A list that contains the ggplot elements for the UCBs via multiplier bootstrapping.

The catt_gt_discrete() function returns a list that contains the following elements:

  • Estimate: A data.frame that contains the following elements:
    • g: The group.
    • t: The period.
    • z: The covariate value.
    • est: The doubly robust estimate of CATT.
    • se: The standard error.
    • ci_lower: The lower bound of the UCB via multiplier bootstrapping.
    • ci_upper: The upper bound of the UCB via multiplier bootstrapping.
  • Figure: A list that contains the ggplot elements for the UCB via multiplier bootstrapping.

Example: Continuous Covariate

We begin by generating artificial data using the datageneration() function.

# Load the package

# Generate artificial data
# n: The number of cross-sectional units
# tau: The length of time series
# continuous: Generate a continuous (resp. discrete) covariate if it is TRUE (resp. FALSE).
data1 <- datageneration(n = 1000, tau = 4, continuous = TRUE)

We can see the variables’ names in the dataset with:

#>   id period          Y G          Z
#> 1  1      1  3.4181061 4 -0.6264538
#> 2  1      2  7.1550896 4 -0.6264538
#> 3  1      3  6.8578708 4 -0.6264538
#> 4  1      4  8.0158122 4 -0.6264538
#> 5  2      1 -0.4197104 0  0.1836433
#> 6  2      2  0.7126766 0  0.1836433

We run the catt_gt_continuous() function to construct the doubly robust UCB for the CATT function given a continuous covariate \(Z\):

UCB1 <- catt_gt_continuous(yname = "Y",
                           tname = "period",
                           idname = "id",
                           gname = "G",
                           zname = "Z",
                           xformla = ~ Z,
                           data = data1,
                           zeval = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1),
                           gteval = c(2, 2),
                           control_group = "nevertreated",
                           anticipation = 0,
                           alp = 0.05,
                           bstrap = TRUE,
                           biters = 1000,
                           porder = 2,
                           kernel = "gau",
                           bw = NULL,
                           uniformall = FALSE,
                           cores = 1)

The estimation and uniform inference results are given by:

#>   g t    z       est        se   ci1_lower ci1_upper   ci2_lower ci2_upper
#> 1 2 2 -1.0 0.2607043 0.2347429 -0.30241607 0.8238246 -0.39944739 0.9208559
#> 2 2 2 -0.9 0.3715774 0.2268069 -0.17250543 0.9156603 -0.26625640 1.0094113
#> 3 2 2 -0.8 0.4965231 0.2197910 -0.03072936 1.0237755 -0.12158028 1.1146264
#> 4 2 2 -0.7 0.6233448 0.2141259  0.10968214 1.1370075  0.02117287 1.2255168
#> 5 2 2 -0.6 0.7411066 0.2095935  0.23831666 1.2438965  0.15168088 1.3305323
#> 6 2 2 -0.5 0.8423519 0.2060495  0.34806367 1.3366401  0.26289281 1.4218110
#>          bw
#> 1 0.4939719
#> 2 0.4939719
#> 3 0.4939719
#> 4 0.4939719
#> 5 0.4939719
#> 6 0.4939719

The figure of the resulting UCB computed with the analytic critical value is given by:

#> $g2_t2

The figure of the resulting UCB via multiplier bootstrapping is given by:

#> $g2_t2

Example: Discrete Covariate

Data generation:

data2 <- datageneration(n = 1000, tau = 4, continuous = FALSE)

Estimation and uniform inference:

UCB2 <- catt_gt_discrete(yname = "Y",
                         tname = "period",
                         idname = "id",
                         gname = "G",
                         zname = "Z",
                         xformla = ~ Z,
                         data = data2,
                         zeval = c(-1, 0, 1),
                         gteval = c(2, 2),
                         control_group = "nevertreated",
                         anticipation = 0,
                         alp = 0.05,
                         biters = 1000,
                         uniformall = FALSE,
                         cores = 1)


#>   g t  z       est        se   ci_lower  ci_upper
#> 1 2 2 -1 0.2895654 0.1844509 -0.1664400 0.7455708
#> 2 2 2  0 1.1131381 0.2517058  0.4908630 1.7354132
#> 3 2 2  1 1.6688524 0.2803515  0.9757582 2.3619466

#> $g2_t2


  • Callaway, B., & Sant’Anna, P. H. (2021). Difference-in-differences with multiple time periods. Journal of Econometrics, 225(2), 200-230. Link

  • Imai, S., Qin, L., & Yanagi, T. (2023). Doubly Robust Uniform Confidence Bands for Group-Time Conditional Average Treatment Effects in Difference-in-Differences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02185. Link