Group-Time Conditional Average Treatment Effects Given a Discrete Covariate
`catt_gt_discrete` computes doubly robust uniform confidence bands for the group-time conditional average treatment (CATT) function given a discrete pre-treatment covariate in the staggered difference-in-differences setup of Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021). See Imai, Qin, and Yanagi (2023) for details.
gteval = NULL,
control_group = "nevertreated",
anticipation = 0,
alp = 0.05,
biters = 1000,
uniformall = FALSE,
cores = 1
- yname
The name of the outcome
- tname
The name of the time periods
- idname
The name of the cross-sectional IDs
- gname
The name of the groups. "G = 0" indicates the never treated group.
- zname
The name of the scalar discrete covariate for which the group-time conditional average treatment effects are estimated
- xformla
A formula for the covariates to include in the model. It should be of the form `~ X1 + X2`. `xformla` should include `zname` as a covariate.
- data
The name of data.frame that contains the balanced panel data
- zeval
The vector of the evaluation points z
- gteval
The vector or matrix of the evaluation points g and t. If it is a vector, the first and second elements indicate g and t, respectively. If it is a matrix, the first and second columns indicate g's and t's, respectively. Default is `NULL`, and `gteval` is automatically constructed.
- control_group
Which units to use the control group. Options are "nevertreated" and "notyettreated". Default is "nevertreated".
- anticipation
The number of time periods before participating in the treatment where units can anticipate participating in the treatment and therefore it can affect their untreated potential outcomes. Default is 0.
- alp
The significance level. Default is 0.05.
- biters
The number of bootstrap iterations to use. Default is 1000.
- uniformall
Boolean for whether or not to perform the uniform inference over (g, t, z). Default is `FALSE`, and the uniform inference only over z is performed.
- cores
The number of cores to use for parallel processing. The number of available cores can be checked with parallel::detectCores(). Default is 1.
A list that contains the following elements:
- Estimate
A data.frame that contains the following elements:
g: The group.
t: The period.
z: The covariate value.
est: The doubly robust estimate of CATT.
se: The standard error.
ci_lower: The lower bound of the UCB via multiplier bootstrapping.
ci_upper: The upper bound of the UCB via multiplier bootstrapping.- Figure
A list that contains the ggplot elements for the UCB
Callaway, B., & Sant’Anna, P. H. (2021). Difference-in-differences with multiple time periods. Journal of Econometrics, 225(2), 200-230.
Imai, S., Qin, L., & Yanagi, T. (2023). Doubly Robust Uniform Confidence Bands for Group-Time Conditional Average Treatment Effects in Difference-in-Differences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02185.
if (FALSE) {
data <- datageneration(n = 1000, tau = 4, continuous = FALSE)
est <- catt_gt_discrete(yname = "Y",
tname = "period",
idname = "id",
gname = "G",
zname = "Z",
xformla = ~ Z,
data = data,
zeval = c(-1, 0, 1),
gteval = c(2, 2),
control_group = "nevertreated",
anticipation = 0,
alp = 0.05,
biters = 1000,
uniformall = FALSE,
cores = 1)